Day-Of Registration is Available!
We are so excited to welcome you to Mission Valley San Diego for the 2023 WiReS Conference and Tradeshow! WiReS 2023 will be hybrid, with opportunities to attend in-person for virtually. We do hope you will join us in-person for presentations, networking and small group meetings on wildfire resiliency. Register early to save money!
Conference Registration includes access to all three days of session programming and the tradeshow/exhibit hall. Conference registration is based on your stakeholder category and the timing of your registration. Registration groupings are as follows:
- Industry
- Government/Academia/Non-Profit
- Community/General
- Student (Must volunteer for at least (1) 6-hour shift to qualify)
- Speakers and committee members (provided registration codes for discounted registration).
If you need an invoice for processing your registration, please email the Conference Manager, Olivia Schlanger, at No refunds are permitted.
Registration Dates and Rates
Registration Dates
Early Bird Registration, In-Person | September 20 - November 23 |
General Registration, In-Person | November 24 - |
General Registration, Virtual Only | November 24 - |
Late Registration, In-Person | January 21 - February 7 |
Late Registration, Virtual Only | January 21 - February 7 |
Registration Rates
Conference registration is based on your stakeholder category and the timing of your registration.
Early Bird Registration, In-Person (September 20 - November 23) |
$625 |
General Registration, In-Person (November 24 - January 20 |
$725 |
General Registration, Virtual Only (November 24 - January 20 |
$675 |
Late Registration, In-Person (January 21 - February 7) |
$825 |
Late Registration, Virtual Only (January 21 - February 7) |
$775 |
Early Bird Registration, In-Person (September 20 - November 23) |
$500 |
General Registration, In-Person (November 24 - January 20 |
$600 |
General Registration, Virtual Only (November 24 - January 20 |
$550 |
Late Registration, In-Person (January 21 - February 7) |
$700 |
Late Registration, Virtual Only (January 21 - February 7) |
$650 |
Note on eligibility: you must volunteer for at least (1) 6-hour shift during the conference to qualify.
Registration Codes
Registration codes are provided to various groups for their contributions to the conference activities. Please contact the Conference Manager, Olivia Schlanger, at to receive your code or learn more about eligibility and volunteer opportunities.
Health & Safety
Our planning team is working diligently to create a safe and positive event experience for all. We will continue monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that this is a dynamic situation and we plan to implement safety measures and adapt our procedures in accordance with CDC recommendations and state guidance.
More details on the event safety practices and attendee requirements coming soon. We ask for your patience and due diligence in planning ahead so that we can safely come together in February, 2023.
If you have any preliminary questions, please email Conference Manager, Olivia Schlanger at