2023 Program Summary

The UC Davis WiReS Conference and Tradeshow took place from Tuesday, February 7th - Friday, February 10th, 2023. We were grateful to host so many enthusiastic people join us, both in-person and virtually, for this inaugural event. Learn more about the program content here.

Event Fast Facts:
  • Hosted 4 Pre-Conference Discussions on Tuesday
  • Main Conference Program included 5 Keynote Sessions and 20 General Sessions (7 on Wednesday, 10 on Thursday, and 3 on Friday's half-day)
  • Welcomed 85 inspiring speakers who shared their work, knowledge, and insights with our attendees.
  • Hosted more than 200 attendees representing a range of industries and organizations

Review the conference agenda

Conference Proceedings and Call for Papers

Our team is working to compile papers to share with the public after the conference. All submissions are welcome as long as they relate to the conference theme and topics. Papers do not need to have been presented at WiReS to be submitted. We welcome submissions for conference proceedings and additional research. We encourage you to consider submitting their work for consideration.

Papers will undergo a traditional review process and evaluation. There is no cost to publishing a paper through this conference and they will be open access for readers on our website after they have been published. Information on Call for Papers and Conference Proceedings is available here.